
“Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” ‭‭1st Corinthians ‭10:12-13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I have issues. You have issues. We all have things that pull at us, tempt us, and ultimately distract us-constantly.

And if I am honest about it, I would have to admit that I usually allow myself to be pulled, tempted, and distracted by everything under the sun. And often they are the wrong things. And it is all because I believe that I can handle it all. No problem, I tell my self. More times than not, I insist on taking it on alone.

God doesn't intend for me to take on these things alone. God specifically designed you and I to be in relationship with Him and with others around us. God is always bringing other people into our lives to walk with us, to help us do what He has called us to do even better.

As I grow as a man and as a manager of my line of work, I see relationship in action every single day. I called it a team. They are a group of individuals with the same mission and purpose and all have the same commitment to accomplish that mission with great success. Members of my team interact in the office and in the field, preparing for the day ahead. The depend on each other to help our team achieve our goal of being a successful company. But I have also seen along the way, things that pull our attention away from the plan. It is never a particular surprising thing but they are distractions all the same.

Individuals that are part of successful and high performing teams are aware of those that operate outside the team and that bring distraction to the group. Individuals don't have to walk alone, it takes others to come alongside them and help to keep them focused and encouraged.

Great teammates make for great teams. The key is to remember this:

I am not INVINCIBLE. Life happens to everyone. No matter what I am facing, I don't have to go it alone. God created me to have a deep relationship with Him and with those that He places into my path.
