
In 1st Samuel 16:6-7, we see where Samuel came to Jesse's house to find the next king of Israel. We see the standards in which God chooses people for service to Him.

“When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”‭‭  1 Samuel ‭16:6-7 ‭ESV‬‬

I am always fascinated when I read this story. Right after these verses, Jesse parades each of his sons before the prophet Samuel. That is, every one except David. Jesse knows exactly why Samuel has come to visit but he doesn't even bother to get David. David was the least of all his brothers. Jesse probably thought he was doing the right thing for his son. 

Basically, David's own father had written him off. His own father didn't see the potential in him to call him before Samuel. But God had other plans. Samuel listened to the Lord and was faithful to what the He wanted. God wanted David. God's decision wasn't based on what Jesse thought about David but on what God finds to be the most important in all of us, our heart. 

Maybe your own father wrote you off a long time ago. Maybe your parents said you would never amount to much. Maybe your teachers looked at you and saw no potential. They all said you shouldn't try and that you should settle for a minimum wage job. Their view of you was based on the outer shell of who you are. It was based on what they saw with their eyes. 

Only God can see the things that live in our hearts. He sees the things that your dad can't see. He sees the things that your mom can't see. He sees what your teachers, coaches, friends, or family can't see. He sees deep into the depths of who you are and what you can be. 

And don't think that God overlooks your ability, talent, or training. All of those are important. But God looks first at the most important thing that you need for service in His kingdom. Your heart.

Simply put. don't allow someone else to write your history before it happens. Don't allow them to write you off. 
