The Real 300

A few years ago there was a movie that came out in theaters called "300." It was about a Greek king that took himself and 300 men to battle against a much larger and more superior force. Well, while I love the movie and the story, this "300" isn't the one the movie was made about. It was made about another 300 men. It was made about a man named Gideon and his "300." The difference being that God told Gideon to cut his army down from 32,000 before going into battle.

"And the Lord said to Gideon, "With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give you the Midianites into your hand, and let all the others go every man to his home." Judges 7:7 ESV

We have all been there before at one time or another. We are facing a deadline at work, feeling incredibly shorthanded in time, supplies, or resources to get the job done. Perhaps you can remember a day in high school or college when you raced to complete a project that was due the next morning or staying up all night trying to cram for a fast approaching final and you weren't sure if you really studied the right material for the test. Or maybe you are frustrated that you have been so easily distracted by a great deal of other things that made you feel less disciplined than you need to be to ensure success. You feel like your only chance is with the power of an army behind you to succeed.

That is exactly the same way that Gideon felt as he was preparing to march on the Midianite camp. The reluctant warrior thought that the only possible way to defeat this enemy was with a large number of warriors-thirty two thousand warriors to be exact. But God had other ideas. He instructed Gideon to send almost 93% of his warriors home. 93%. He was left with 300 warriors to take on the Midianite army.

Could Gideon have actually won with his original numbers? Absolutely. But God wasn't testing Gideon on his military might or strategy. He was checking Gideon's humility. Rather than allowing Gideon to rely on his strength of numbers and having a chance to brag about how smart he was later, God desired for Gideon to rely solely on Him and to be humble.

So what mountain are you trying to climb but can't? What problems are mounting at work that you can't seem to solve yourself no matter how late you work? Before you throw your hands up and quit, stop for just a second and remember something about the God that created you and put you where you are.

Remember this: He is right there! He is in your car. He is in your dorm room. He is in the library. He is sitting in your office. He is always right by our side. If God can take 300 warriors and give them victory over a much larger force then He can help you move mountains. Sit back and let that soak in. God desires us to come to Him in a humble way and He will bring with Him the peace that helps us will the deadline, the test, or whatever boulder that blocks our way. All we need do is humbly rely on His strength to help us finish in victory.
