Hard Hat

"The God of heaven will help us succeed. We, His servants, will start rebuilding this wall." Nehemiah 2:20

I was on a job site late last week and I was thinking to myself, partly because I have been reading about it lately(then someone reminded me again about it Saturday during the Auburn/LSU game), what would Nehemiah think of some of the buildings and other great structures that are being built in this day and time. I think he would be greatly impressed, especially when he learned how quickly some of these buildings went up. His story was different though. He didn't have an engineering degree or 90 pages of blueprints to flip through let alone the heavy equipment we have today to make things easier. But that was God's plan all along.

I don't know about you but when I ready Nehemiah's story, I have to wonder exactly how he did it. He wasn't an architect or even a stone mason. He didn't grow up in the construction industry. And to be honest, when he was given the assignment, he didn't know exactly how this crucial building project would even turn out. He left his cushy, white collar job as cupbearer/food taster for the King of Persia and put on his hard hat to undertake the job of rebuilding a wall around his hometown. His home was in constant danger from thieves, bandits, and this was something that had to be done.

Nehemiah stepped out into a place where only God dwells, the place of the impossible, the place of faith. He had no idea how it would go or how he would be able to complete such a large task. He couldn't see the end of the project that lay before him, but he knew that God did. And since he was doing this for God, God would lead him every step of the way. He did have control over some things and he carefully brought those aspects to the project he was assigned. He surveyed the ruins of the city and the resources that were readily available, layed out careful plans and equipped committed people to build the wall, assigning each group a section of the wall to complete.

Each and every one took ownership over their sections. The cool thing was that even though they had never done this before they knew that this was a labor of love for God, whom they all served, and that He would lead them and bless all their efforts.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar position as Nehemiah's? You feel certain that God has called you to take charge of something, but you may have a lot of questions in the back of your mind that slow you down. Let it be just like stretching before exercise and allow it to stretch your faith a little so it can grow strong through the experience. Whenever you know God is calling you to do something, be confident that He will guide you through the process, even if you can't see a successful outcome. God will get you to where He wants you to go.

Grab your hard hat of faith and get to work on whatever project God has laid in your hands. And remember, ultimately, it's all for Him.
