Everywhere I Look

It's another day. How is it shaping up for you? Does it look like a good one so far? Maybe all you can see is a calendar full of appointments and a day full of challenges. We've all had those days, and they will happen again. Still, here's my suggestion, as important as your scheduled time may be, take time each day to look around and acknowledge the blessings that you have. It's an exercise that I guarantee will recharge you better than Monster or Red Bull ever will.

Now before you start to holler, "I don't have time for that," look at your computer or in some cases your phone. If you are like me your probably have a screensaver picture of your family, a snapshot of your pet, or one of your kids art work on the fridge, take a long look and then tell me you don't have time for that.

Now look at your desk. I bet there is a framed photo of one of the same things sitting there too. Do you consider them a blessing in your life? The blessings of God are all around you, and every day is the perfect time to celebrate them. Why? Because He created them especially for you.

It is the blessings we find in a hope filled sunrise filtering through our windows or the wrinkled red face of a new born baby. In a grandmother's gentle smile or the laugh of a child. Those are the kinds of things that we find the Hand of God in.

We also find the blessings of God in a table of food and in those members of the family that we are privileged to share it with. Blessings are also found in the ability to watch your son play baseball or to love our children, because if we aren't careful and get wrapped up in the busyness of life, we will miss out on the opportunities we have while they are young. Maybe when they are grown we will have a "second chance" in the blessing of grandchildren but why risk it....love them now and be thankful for them while they are here.

Kids amaze me when they are small because they possess a sense of awe and wonderment that has to make God smile. As we grow and the world rubs us rough, we get desensitized to the world around us and we lose the wonder of the creation that God has given us. Take a cue from the kids around you and be in awe of the great things-big and small- that God gives you.

My friend, no matter what you are facing, look around you and I promise that you can find a blessing. Even if it simply thanking God for what He has created, thank Him, and savor the gift of His creation.

Don't get so wrapped up in today's worries or tomorrow's "urgent" priorities that you miss the beautiful gifts that are right in front of you. As a wise man once said, "Don't miss the forest for view of the trees."

"Then God looked over all He had made, and He saw that it was very good!...So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished His work of creation, so He rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day He rested from all His work of creation." Genesis 1:31-2:3
