
I am a 35 year old man and if I am honest with you I would say that I don't think to much about death. Partly because I am 35 but partly because I know where I am destined to go. I know that when I pass on that my soul will forever reside with my Lord and Savior. But the past few weeks an event that has been going on with someone very close to me has had me thinking a lot about where I am and what kind of impact that I am making on my family and those that are in my circle of influence.

As a salesman I touch and reach a lot of people but I would have to say that I haven't done what I am supposed to do as a Christian as far as reaching out to those people. I haven't been obedient in sharing my faith nor do I know if they realize that I am a Christian. And that fact saddens me deeply.

I wrote a post earlier that simply stated this :

Yes, I am a Christian.
Yes, I can be the biggest hypocrite ever.
I backslide.
I stumble.
I fall.
I stray onto the wrong path.
But God is working in me.
I may be a mess, but I am His mess.
And He is slowly but surely straightening me out.
And the day will come when I will be by His side, His work in me completed.
And until that day I will take His hand, and let Him do in me whatever needs to be done, no matter how painful it will be for me.

When He is finished, it will all be worth it.

As I re-read these words above, I have to admit that I haven't done all that I can in service and obedience to Christ. I have allowed outside ventures and outside influences affect that way I act and react to people, situations, and circumstances. 

This is not a moment of doubting my salvation or questioning my faith in Christ, it is simply one man being honest with the world and saying that I haven't lived the life that I am called to live. I haven't "walked the walk and talked the talk" as they say. 

I am like a rough piece of marble and God is the sculptor. He is the one with the hammer and the grit pad in His mighty hand knocking off the rough edges and polishing me as He works in my life. It is through the Holy Spirit that I am made aware of the "areas" of my life that are hindering me and my growth as a Christian. All I can ask of you: my friends, family, and readers is to please remember to pray for me as I continue to walk the path that has been chosen for me. Pray that God continue to work on me until that ultimate and timely finishing point. The moment that He calls me home and I hear Him tell me "Well done, my good and faithful servant." 

If you don't know Christ in a personal way, it is as simple as saying a prayer and if you do TELL SOMEONE! Don't hesitate or wait. Share it with someone that will support you and disciple you. I promise that it is the most worthy thing you can ever do. Don't wait because time is short. 
