God Shows Up

I had someone tell me earlier today that they didn't think that God was ever going to show up in their life and help them out of the situation that they are in. As I sat there almost speechless on the other end of the phone I was trying to come up with the words to explain that God has promised to show up when we finally depend on Him and not on the strength that we possess. 

As the day has worn on I began to think about all the times that God shows up at just the right time to save the people of Israel. For instance, what about the time when the people of Israel had just left Egypt and 400 plus years of slavery behind to head to the promised land and then like a tornado coming across the desert is Pharaoh and his army to put them back in bondage. It was an army on one side and the Red Sea on the other. Just when it seemed the darkest, God shows up. Through Moses, God worked a miracle and parted the Red Sea allowing the people of Israel to escape the army of Egypt but He wasn't done there. He allowed the army to journey into the same path that the Israelites had just taken and literally dropped the sea on their heads. Most important, God showed up!

Then there was the time that three friends named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abedego wouldn't disrespect their God by bowing down to an earthly man and his graven image. They refused to dishonor god by worshiping a false idol. So, just as the king had promised, he threw these three young men of God into a blazing hot fiery furnace. If you were hearing this story for the first time you might say, "Well, where was God then? Why didn't He step in and stop this from happening?" Well if you read further in Scripture you will find that God did indeed show up. Right in the middle of that hot fiery furnace. When the king realized that these young men were not burning he walked to the edge of the furnace to see for himself why these men weren't burning alive and what did he see? He saw a fourth man! He saw God standing in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Long story short, God showed up. 

Then you could read on later in the New Testament and find the story of Jesus and how the mob killed him and buried him in a rich mans tomb. Jesus told them that he would raise the "temple" in three days but they didn't understand what He meant. Ultimately, God showed up! 

In my own life I can look back at many, many times that God has showed up. For instance, when I was a small child living in Texas I climbed up on the counter in the bathroom and took a whole bottle of tylenol. My parents took me to the ER and the doctor there told them that too much time had passed and that there was nothing that could be done for me. They told them basically that I was going to die. Luckily I was born into a family that loved the Lord and served Him faithfully. They convinced a nurse and an orderly to try pumping my stomach to save my life but first they all gathered around my little body(yes I used to little, well by baby Sasquatch standards) and prayed that God take me one way or the other. That if He had a plan for my life that He would allow me to stay. Guess what? God showed up. They pumped my stomach and I was back to my old self in no time. 

I could bore you with more personal stories just like that one or maybe you have a story where things looked bleak and dark and you didn't know how in the world things were going to get better then like a light getting flipped on in a dark basement room, God showed up and sent the dark scrambling to hide! 

Do you know why God loves writing such incredible stories like the ones in the Bible? Do you know why he showed up in the Texas emergency room? Do you know why He showed up in your time of trial and tribulation? Because He Loves Coming Through!  God loves to show us that He has what it takes. God doesn't crawl off into the bunker when the bombs start to drop. He covers us and protects us with His mighty hand! He lets the odds get stacked against Him just so He can prove time and time again that He is God and we aren't. 

So don't allow things to get you down. Keep praying, be faithful, and I promise, God will show up! 
