
Coaches often talk about "trap games," games against an inferior opponent, usually with a much better opponent immediately following that game. People tend to fall in the "trap" of looking past the next game to the one that follows. And in the process, we often lose!

The danger, of course, is complacency. We forget about what is right before us or take it for granted, and the next thing we know, we've missed an opportunity. We go so fast through each day, looking past the blessings and opportunities of today, focusing on what we think will be great moments tomorrow.

"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people." Matthew 4:23

In Matthew 4:23, we are reminded that Christ went around the countryside performing miracle after miracle. Yet after a while the people began to take Jesus and His miracles for granted, like they were nothing really special. There are so many miracles we could list from the Old and New Testament that you'd think would have astonished the witnesses when they occurred, and should astonish us when we read about them today.

Have we became complacent?

Do we believe in miracles?

Do we believe that God is still in the miracle business?

Or do we simply believe that miracles are only a biblical phenomenon and that our life today simply can explain away things like that?

Just like the probability of missing the worthy opponent in a "trap" game, the chance of us missing God's miracles is extremely high if we don't believe in the promises and miracles of God.

My prayer for everyone this week is simply this: Let us not get so busy that we miss the opportunity to witness the miracle that God has for us this week. Let us not be so preoccupied that we miss a chance for God to show us something awesome and new in a completely unexpected place!

A movie that my wife hates, "The Princess Bride" there is a character called Miracle Max. Max wisely says, "You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles."

This life is no fairy tale. God is still performing miracles, if only we would notice. Anticipate them, notice them, embrace them, and cherish them. Most importantly thank God for them!  

