The Weight

Today as I was riding to an appointment, the song "The Weight" made famous by The Band and their lead singer Levon Helms(he's from Arkansas and they are one of my favorite bands) was playing on the radio. It got me to thinking about the different weight that we all carry.

I am not talking about the physical weight, even though it could be said that I could stand to lose a pound or fifty. The weight that I am talking about is the weight of stress, worry, and anxiety. These are all plagues of the society that we live in. And the crazy thing is that God never intended for us to carry these things around. They can cause all kinds of health, mental, and physiological problems.

God's word tells us in Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.." Why is it so hard to just lay down all anxiety and worry? Worry in itself is sin. Did I just say that worry is sin? Yeah I sure did. It becomes sin in our life when we allow the worry and anxiety to become central in our life. When we are so consumed with how the bills will get paid, worried how we will survive til the next paycheck, or consumed by anxiety to the point we can't be of any good to anyone let alone any good to ourselves.

When I was in my early teens I was so consumed by worry and stress that I would physically become ill. I didn't want to go to school let alone have to deal with the day to day things that came with it. I know what it is to have stress and worry rule over your life.

When we place our faith in Jesus how can we still allow something else to have a place in our hearts. He is the one that knows our futures and no amount of worry and stress will add a day or an hour to our lives. God made us to worship and make much of Him. When we are consumed by our problems and our stress we make little of God and are simply saying that He is not big enough to solve our problems.

So when you begin to slide down the path of worry and stress, stop, take a deep breath, and say a prayer to Jesus and ask Him to take whatever is on your mind. You will be pleasantly surprised what He will do in response.
