
How many times are we impatient? How many times are we in such a hurry that we miss divine appointments? How many times do we miss the opportunity to be prepared for what God's calling us to do or be?
I am a guilty as the next person for being impatient. I want what I want when I want it. I don't like to be inconvenienced when it is something I want or need. And you know what, that is so wrong. I can't begin to count the times I have rushed my kids because I was trying to get to what I wanted to do or where I thought I needed to be. How many times I have half way listened to my wife, all the while thinking about the things I had to do? How many divine appointments do I miss because I didn't ask the waitress how she was or pick up the hitch hiker because I was in too big of a hurry?

Shame on me! Shame on us! We are called to be more than people that sit in pews Sunday after Sunday. We are called to be God's people and God's people are to love and wait on everybody. It is not the other way around. How dare we as a people expect others to wait on us when we are called to do that very thing. God forgive me for rushing through this life like I am something special. God forgive me for not taking the time to wait. Sometimes it is good to wait.

Today my pastor preached a message on waiting and let me tell you, it convicted me to my core. As he spoke, I sat there remembering all the times that I didn't wait, all the times that I rushed head long into something then came limping back out due to my own foolishness and pride. In my own mind I thought that I could help God get me where He wanted me to go. I was a foolish, foolish man. I am not the center! It doesn't matter if I am here or not. God will complete what He wants done with or without me. I am to use my season of waiting on God as a time of preparation and not as a time of whining about why I am waiting. And I am certainly not to be impatient with others while I am waiting.

It comes down to this simple fact, that most of the time, I believe that I am the most important person in the world, everyone and everything else comes second. God forgive me! Dena forgive me! Kids forgive me! And anyone else that I have shown impatience with please forgive me! Impatience is a sin just like stealing or any other you can come up with. If you are a child of God it is not ok to be impatient. What if God showed His impatience with us? What if every time we said a bad word,every time we gossiped about our brothers and sisters, or did the opposite of what He has commanded us to do? I am thankful that He does not show His true impatience with us. The reason He doesn't show it is due to the fact that a sacrifice has been made in our place. Blood was shed for the forgiveness that we so desperately need.

So when you find yourself being impatient or feeling like you want to help God help you, stop and pray. Remember why we are to not be impatient with others, why we are to wait with patience, and show the Holy Spirit through everything that we do. God intends for every season in our lives to show His glory not our own.
