
I have found that men suffer with these things I like to call "De-Railers". De-Railers are the destructive behaviors, attitudes, bad habits, and chronically misdirected thoughts that can create distance between us and God. These can include things that in their proper place aren't bad but can turn on us in a second.

I have a "top ten" list of things that I see as De-Railers that men most commonly suffer with. I have even suffered with more than a few of these myself.

1. Addiction: This can be a substance or a behavior, it can even be something invented for our convenience. It is anything that rules our lives, puts it in front of God, our families, or anything else. When we move something ahead of God in our heart and mind, we always suffer.

2. Dishonesty: When we are dishonest, whether with others or ourselves, we build a wall. A wall between us and God. God is truth...enough said.

3. Bitterness: This one causes us to focus on the "unfairness" of our pasts. God intends on us to focus on the promises and gift He gives us. When we allow bitterness to invade our hearts we focus on yesterday and the things we didn't get and we fail to thank God for the blessings of today.

4. Greed: When we focus on gaining more money or possessions, these things become alternate gods in our lives. And God doesn't like this one very much. Check the Ten Commandments!

5. Hopelessness: When we suffer with this one we are basically saying that our problem is too big for God. The kicker here is that when we abandon hope we feel even more hopeless. This is a very dangerous cycle.

6. Impulsiveness: All through the Bible God tells us to think first and act second. If you don't believe me check out the book of Proverbs. When we act first and think second we are actually disobeying God.

7: Irrational Fear: Some fear is rational(rattle snakes, copperheads, cotton mouths) and some are not. The irrational ones cause us to become stuck in emotional turmoil. When we become stuck in this we can not be the men that God intends us to be.

8. Immaturity: I'll be the first to say, I didn't want to grow up.(ask my wife) In some respects it is ok to have a "youthful" attitude and energy. That being said, not all immaturity is healthy. When men shirk their responsibilities while behaving like irresponsible frat boys, God isn't pleased at all! Look at the epidemic of fatherless children in our communities and the effect it has on it as a whole.

9. Chronic Anger: (This one hit me between the eyes) Some of us seem to stay angry all the time. All that anger leaves no room for the joy, love, or praise. It leaves no room for God or for anything else. This one is closely associated with #3.

10. Apathy: This is one that I think most men suffer from, either consciously or subconsciously. These men give up on life and turn inwards. Come home from work, turn on ESPN, and check out. Totally ignoring their families and allowing the enemy in their lives. These men are completely checked out.

The good news is that God can heal and correct all the above "De-Railers" in the lives of men. These things are not insurmountable. The minute you decide to overcome these God stands waiting to help you get through it. You need only sincerely ask God for His help in the struggle.

Men, don't get discouraged if He doesn't completely remove it from your life. I suffer with a few of these and He hasn't completely taken them off my plate. Plus don't forget about the Apostle Paul.  Paul asked three times for his "thorn" to be removed and God wouldn't do it. What did Paul say to God after that? "I will just quit serving for you God, you don't care about me!" Absolutely not! Paul said that through his weakness God would be glorified. We have to humble ourselves and be made strong through our weakness and allow God to be glorified and praised because of it.

Billy Graham once said, "Man without God is always torn between two urges. His nature prompts him to do wrong, and his conscience urges him to do right. Christ can rid you of that inner conflict."
